What pizza is to Italy, Idly-Vada is to Bangalore. The eateries that serve Idly-Vada here are amongst the best in the world. And one among them is the celebrated Brahmin’s café Bar in the heart of South Bangalore.
As you enter Brahmin’s café, you’ll find an unassuming and kindly man greeting you with a broad smile. The warmth of his smile is so contagious that it’ll set your mood for rest of the day. Yes, we are talking about Radhakrishna Adiga – A pioneer in the development of stand-and-eat darshini culture of Bangalore. His hard work and never-say-die attitude has made his eatery one of the most successful enterprise in Bangalore.
Radhakrishna Adiga was born on August 1st 1963 in Bangalore. He is the youngest of five sons of late Sri K V Nageshwar Rao, the founder of Brahmin’s Café Bar. Radhakrishna Adiga firmly believes that it is his strict upbringing by his father along with his values and ethics is what that has made him a successful person. “The foundation that my mother and my father gave me during my childhood was very strong. I’m always thankful to them” says Radhakrishna Adiga
Radhakrishna Adiga completed his pre university course at National College, Basavanagudi. He was later asked by his father to quit the college and look after the restaurant business. But his undying spirits to have at least a degree in hand lead him to join an evening college. He later obtained a degree – Bachelor of Commerce from APS Evening College. “I was the most favorite and brilliant student who always used to top the class” says Radhakrishna Adiga.
Radhakrishna Adiga apart from the restaurant also runs a successful niche car rental business. He is first among the few to start the high end car rental business for the corporate companies in Bangalore. Now, his high end car rental business is one of the most sought-after in Bangalore. Major parts of the vegetables that are used in his restaurants come from the harvest of his agricultural land in the outskirts of Bangalore. “People were skeptical when I purchased the land for agriculture. They thought I would lose the invested money. But, look now. Major part of the raw materials used in our recipe comes from that agricultural land” says Radhakrishna Adiga.
Radhakrishna Adiga attributes his success to his guide Mr. Kannan. “Kannan pulled me onto the right path when I was going directionless”, he says. Radhakrishna Adiga has also carried out numerous unnoticed and unadvertised religious and social philanthropic work. Brahmin’s Café has received numerous awards for being the best eatery in the town and also has been voted No.1 in the prestigious ‘Idli-Vada-chutney + coffee” competition held by The Times of India.
Read Radhakrishna Adiga Exclusive Interview with KYS.